Dangerous waste management takes charge of the solid, liquid and gaseous substances (biological, chemical or of any other nature) that have to or must be removed, in order not to be harmful to human health and/or the environment.
In the wild, waste is reused and incorporated into life cycle; it does not exist the concept of waste, because everything in nature is useful and recyclable. Waste is generated by human communities and, in order to implement a suitable management, it becomes necessary to delimit how it is produced.
It is worrying to observe that, at the same time that development increases and quality of life improves, the waste produced stands as a risk for our environment. This development is closely related to industrial and scientific progress.
Our company is certified as Carrier of Toxic and Dangerous Waste (T06/97) and as Dangerous Waste Manager (SC-RP-P-XTT-00017).
We have skilled workers and vehicles adapted to international rules, such as ADR (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road), for developing different processes of the logistic chain, when transporting dangerous goods, assuring maximum security at each stage. We follow the whole process from the packaging supply, the elaboration of specific risk labels and their traceability, the waste separation and the preparation of documents, until the final waste management.
Proceeding on this way, we offer our customers an integrated service by implementing the following actions: